Does truth exist? What if there is an objective truth? Explore reasonable and logical arguments on origin, purpose, morality, and eternity, and together, let’s uncover if there is objective truth.
Because if truth exists, then it must be objective…
And if truth is objective, it can be discovered!
At CrossExamined Africa, we invite you to engage in thoughtful apologetics content in your language. Together we explore if there is an objective truth, welcoming and challenging arguments as we CrossExamined the evidence that will help you discover answers to life’s most pressing questions about the universe, humanity, and God.
At CrossExamined Africa, we engage in conversations that explore objective truth vs subjective truth while welcoming yet challenging arguments.
Let’s discover together how: If truth exists, then truth transcends all boundaries.
In a loud and noisy world where the business of life keeps pulling us in different directions, CrossExamined Africa is standing up to reasonably bring back the critical question of: Does truth exist?
Because if truth exists, then: is truth objective? Because if truth is objective then truth can be discovered.
When someone claims that truth does not exist, ask if their statement is true. This question transcends languages. Regardless of the language or culture, objective truth logically cannot be denied without proving its existence.
Through science, history, theology, and philosophy, we explore questions like:
At CrossExamined Africa, we wrestle with life’s most fundamental questions of origin, purpose, morality, and eternity.
Under the pressure of natural disasters, pandemics, and global fear, the fight for objective truth has become critical.
What is the truth about our universe, about humanity, and about God?
At CrossExamined Africa, we address life’s essential questions about origin, purpose, and morality.
Most people follow what is promoted and accepted within their cultural context. Now the question is, does it influence how we understand our faith? We believe it does.
Cultural influences shape how people understand faith and truth. Does cultural context affect what we believe?
At CrossExamined Africa, we equip you to engage in culturally relevant conversations about objective truth, helping you explore the intersection of culture, faith, and reality.
Deception distorts truth, whether by malice or ignorance. In today’s world, deceit and misinformation are becoming rampant.
At CrossExamined Africa, we stand to reason to bring clarity amid varying ideologies, helping to uncover what is objectively true.
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